Relaxation & Balance

for your Health

Don't leave your Health to chance.
Take advantage of our professional knowledge and experience.
あなたの健康を運任せにしてはいけません。 私たちの専門的な知識と経験をご利用ください。

Why choose us

CrossPhysio Fasciae Treatment has various positiv effects on your overall health クロスフィジオの筋膜マッサージは、あなたの健康全般に様々なポジティブな効果を持っています。

Stress Relief:

Cross Physio myofascial massage with oil relieves stress and increases endorphins. In addition, the occasional casual conversation during the massage is often emotionally liberating. Stressful thoughts can feel less heavy when confiding them to someone else.


施術室 安らぎ

Better Sleep:

Regular touch, such as myofascial massage with oil, has been shown to improve sleep quality and duration, especially when done in the afternoon and evening.


Injury prevention:

Massage deeply relaxes the fascia, allowing muscle groups to work together effortlessly and maintain better performance and flexibility.


待合室、 リラックス

Wellness for your Body & Soul

Myofascial massage lifts the mood and promotes a sense of well-being in your whole being.


Next Events

Special Events in the CrossPhysio Clinic about health and mindfulness:
Voice & inner Freedom with Sylvie Polz from Germany (November 2024)

Thank you for that great event in January - next event will be announced soon!

Thank you all for coming!
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Muho Noelke is a renowned German Zen master who has dedicated his life to the practice and teachings of Zen Buddhism. After years of rigorous training, Muho received Dharma transmission, signifying his recognition as a Zen teacher. In 2002, he became the first Westerner to assume the role of abbot at Antaiji, a traditional Zen monastery in Japan. Muho is widely respected for his deep understanding of Zen philosophy and his ability to convey its principles in a way that resonates with practitioners from various backgrounds. Muho Nölke's approach to Zen emphasizes direct experience and practical application in daily life. His teachings often revolve around mindfulness, meditation, and the cultivation of inner peace. Muho's unique perspective as a Westerner who embraced the rigorous Zen tradition in Japan provides a bridge for participants to connect with the profound wisdom of Zen in a culturally accessible manner. In this 2-hour Zen workshop led by Muho Nölke, participants will have the opportunity to explore key Zen concepts, engage in a guided meditation session, and receive valuable insights into integrating Zen practices into their busy lives. Whether you are new to Zen or seeking to deepen your practice, Muho's workshop promises an enriching and transformative experience, offering a glimpse into the profound teachings that have shaped his spiritual journey.

Join us for an inspiring journey into the world of Zen with the esteemed Muho Nölke!

無方禅師は、禅の修行と教えに生涯を捧げてきたドイツの著名な禅師である。 長年にわたる厳しい修行を経て、禅の師として認められたことを示す法伝を受ける。2002年、西洋人として初めて日本の伝統的な禅寺である安泰寺の住職に就任。禅の哲学を深く理解し、その原理を様々な背景を持つ修行者の心に響くように伝える能力で広く尊敬を集めている。 無方ネルケの禅へのアプローチは、直接的な経験と日常生活における実践的な応用を重視している。彼の教えはマインドフルネス、瞑想、内なる平和の育成を中心に展開されることが多い。日本の厳格な禅の伝統を受け入れた西洋人としての無方氏のユニークな視点は、参加者が文化的に理解しやすい方法で禅の深遠な知恵とつながる架け橋となります。 無方・ネルケが指導するこの2時間の禅ワークショップでは、参加者は禅の主要なコンセプトを探求し、ガイド付き瞑想セッションに参加し、忙しい生活の中に禅の実践を取り入れるための貴重な洞察を得ることができます。禅が初めての方にも、禅の修行を深めたい方にも、無方氏のワークショップは、彼のスピリチュアルな旅を形作ってきた深遠な教えを垣間見ることのできる、豊かで変容に満ちた体験となることでしょう。 尊敬する無方・ネルケと共に、禅の世界への感動的な旅に出かけましょう。

Kung Fu,
Taiji & Qi Gong
on Rokko Island

Didier Hartmann graduated after 12 years of training under Ajahn Lao Vongvilay. After Graduation Didier opened with a partner together his own martial arts school in Germany. He taught there for 6 years. on this youtube channel you can see some example movements.

Taiji for adults (5 animal Style)

Thursday morning, 8:35am to 9:25am, on Rokko Island, DSK

Qi Gong for teachers / Adults

Wednesdays, 4:45pm to 5:15pm, on Rokko Island, DSK

Kung Fu for Adults (13 years +)

Wednesday afternoon, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Rokko Island, inside or around the DSK

Kids Kung Fu Club 7 to 12 years

Rokko Island, German School DSK, usually Tuesday & Wednesday 3:45pm to 4:35pm

New Prices

Starting January 2024

Dear Customers, we are very thankful to all of you supporting us! 

From 2024 we will have to add the Japanese VAT tax to our prices, and so adjusted them slightly up.

Completely new are the prices for professional Sports Players (Rugby etc.), which reflects now better the intensity needed for their treatments.


German Physiotherapist, Author, Lecturer

About Didier Hartmann

On the picture above:

Didier and Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt (FC Bayern Munich’s orthopedic team doctor from 1977 to today and German national soccer team doctor from 1995 to 2018) togehter with Freddy Binder (physical therapist – always on Müller-Wohlfahrt’s side).

As a professional physiotherapist Didier has worked in Germany (Munich) for about 20 years. Didier was also a lecturer at therapeutic training institutes in Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Portugal.
He published three books (two of them in English) and several online courses on health.

Didier currently lives in Kobe, Japan with his Japanese wife and two children.
As a therapist and trainer he has participated in numerous international trainings and conferences.


At the Wittlinger Therapy Center in Austria, Didier Hartmann learned lymphatic drainage from Professor Wittlinger and her family. And she learned it directly from the inventor Dr. Vodder!!

Didier´s work is highly inspired by the work of Tom Myers (Anatomy Trains – Myofascial Meridians) and modern training approaches as taught by Ido Portal, Frank Forencich, Fighting Monkey, Tom Weksler, and many more. But as a base Didier is still deeply routed into buddhist martial arts as Kung Fu and TaiChi which he studied more than 10 years with Ajahn Lao Vongvilay. Didier`s interest in body and mind originated from japanese Zen literature, which is always a great source of inspiration to him.








ディディエの技術は、トム・マイヤーズ(Anatomy Trains – Myofascial Meridians)のワークや、イド・ポータル、フランク・フォレンシック、ファイティング・モンキー、トム・ウェクスラーなどが教える現代的なトレーニング・アプローチに強くインスパイアされている。しかし、ディディエのベースにはカンフーや太極拳といった仏教武術が深く根付いており、アジャーン・ラオ・ヴォンヴィライに10年以上師事している。ディディエの身体と心に対する興味は、日本の禅文学に端を発しており、それは常に彼のインスピレーションの大きな源となっている。


CrossPhysio, 6 Chome-15-10 Mikagehonmachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0046



Prepare now for your next run

Are you a dedicated marathon runner looking to enhance your performance and post-race recovery? As passionate and experienced massage therapists, Didier Hartmann & Rina Arima are here to offer you personalized support that goes beyond the finish line. Let us share with you how we can help you optimize your marathon journey!


Alexis Bonin

Join Alexis Bonin, Certified Running Coach with more then 20 years of experience, in his regular sessions! Alexis Bonin will provide guidance regarding the exercises beneficials for you and teach you the correct form of running. 

Pre-Marathon Preparation: Before the big day, we can work with you to identify areas of tension and tightness in your muscles. Through specialized massage techniques, we can release these knots and improve your flexibility, ensuring your body is in its best condition for the race. With a pre-marathon massage, you’ll feel lighter, more relaxed, and ready to tackle the challenge ahead.

Post-Race Recovery: Completing a marathon is a remarkable achievement, but it can leave your muscles sore and fatigued. Our post-race or post training massage is designed to alleviate this discomfort. By reducing muscle inflammation and promoting blood circulation, we can help you recover more quickly, so you can get back to training or simply enjoy.

Injury Prevention: Marathon training can be physically demanding and sometimes lead to injuries. We can work closely with you to address potential trouble spots and prevent injuries before they occur. Through regular massage sessions, we can keep your muscles and connective tissues in optimal condition, reducing the risk of injuries that could derail your marathon goals.

Stress Relief and Relaxation: Running a marathon is not just about physical preparation; mental resilience is crucial too. Massage therapy is not only about muscle manipulation but also about promoting relaxation and reducing stress. A relaxed mind can translate into better focus and performance on race day. We are dedicated to create a peaceful and calming atmosphere during our sessions to help you achieve that mental clarity and tranquility.

Ongoing Support: Our commitment to your marathon journey doesn’t end with a single session. We will be there for you every step of the way, providing guidance, support, and expert advice to help you achieve your running goals. Together, we’ll work towards a healthier, happier, and more successful running experience.


マラソン前の準備: レース本番の前に、筋肉の緊張やこわばりをほぐします。専門的なマッサージ・テクニックを使って、筋肉のコリをほぐし、柔軟性を高めることで、レースに向けて身体をベストな状態に整えます。マラソン前のマッサージで、体が軽くなり、リラックスして、これから始まるチャレンジに取り組む準備が整います。

レース後のリカバリー マラソンを完走することは素晴らしい成果ですが、筋肉痛や疲労が残ることもあります。レース後やトレーニング後のマッサージは、この不快感を和らげるようにデザインされています。筋肉の炎症を抑え、血液の循環を促進することで、より早く回復できるようサポートします。

怪我の予防: マラソンのトレーニングは肉体的に負担が大きく、時には怪我につながることもあります。私たちは、潜在的なトラブル・スポットに対処し、ケガを未然に防ぐために、お客様と密接に連携します。定期的にマッサージを行うことで、筋肉や結合組織を最適な状態に保ち、マラソンのゴールを妨げる怪我のリスクを軽減します。

ストレス解消とリラックス: マラソンは肉体的な準備だけでなく、精神的な回復力も重要です。マッサージ・セラピーは筋肉をほぐすだけでなく、リラクゼーションを促し、ストレスを軽減します。リラックスした精神は、レース当日の集中力とパフォーマンスの向上につながります。私たちは、あなたが精神的な明晰さと静けさを得ることができるよう、セッション中に穏やかで落ち着ける雰囲気を作り出すことに専念しています。

継続的なサポート 私たちのマラソンの旅へのコミットメントは、1回のセッションで終わりません。指導、サポート、専門的なアドバイスを提供し、あなたのランニングの目標達成をサポートします。一緒に、より健康で、より幸せで、より成功的なランニング体験を目指しましょう。


More Ressources

Find here books, online courses and Youtube videos produced by Didier Hartmann

English speaking Doctors:

Not complete, but a few facilities where you can reach out with English:

ABE Orthopedics & Rheumatology Clinic

On Rokko Island in Kobe

Dr Masatoki Adachi Clinic Kobe

close to Shin-Kobe and Sannomiya (Physician, Vaccines, …)

Classe-Dental Clinic

The Dentist Yukari Stange speaks fluent english there (Mikage Hanshin)

Dermatology and Pedicure

the Director Eki Sano speaks english – the clinic is close to Koshien /Naruo (Hanshin Line)

Other partners:

Not complete, but a few facilities where you can reach out with English:

Port Tower Crossfit

close to JR Nada in Kobe

Alexis Bonin Running Coach

around Mikage, Sumiyoshi, Rokko Island,..